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864 654-7627
864 274-0295

With football in full swing and the start of fall, it’s time for The ROAR's annual flagship charity
fundraiser! Our in-person events for Tigers for Tatas starts Monday, October 2nd at 6AM at the
Trammell & Mills Law Firm at 1650-A East Greenville Street in Anderson. All proceeds raised
will benefit Dabo’s All In Team Foundation for breast cancer research and prevention.

Ernie Trammell and Trey Mills know all about the evils of cancer. Both are cancer survivors and
have close family members who have also suffered battles with cancer. This cause is one that is
near and dear to their hearts. Cancer does not discriminate based on race, gender, or economic
background. It invades lives and affects everyone in some direct or indirect manner, which is
why Trammell and Mills both believe that early detection and careful preventative action saves
lives...and that is their mission. Trammell and Mills are now champions for early cancer
detection, especially early breast cancer detection, and are dedicated to fighting for women’s
health. South Carolina DHEC lists breast cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer
among women in the state, so there’s a lot of work to be done.

Trammell and Mills joins our community partners and fans in passionately pushing education
about the disease, and by offering screenings and test options at their office location with Tigers
for Tatas on October 2nd. Nothing is more important than supporting friends, families, and loved
ones who are fighting breast cancer diagnoses across the Upstate. That’s what Tigers for Tatas
is all about.


How to Get Involved:

The Roar proudly puts on Tigers for Tatas throughout the month of October, which is also Breast
Cancer Awareness Month. The October 2nd event at Trammell & Mills features coffee and
donuts with Mickey Plyler as he does his show live on location from 6AM-9AM. Then, The Press
Box with John Hight and Brad Senkiw will be live on site from 9AM to noon. Skins’ Hotdogs will
serve lunch starting at 11. The AnMed Mobile Mammography Unit will offer screenings at
Trammell & Mills from 8AM-5PM. The public is invited to stop by to buy a wristband to support
Dabo’s All In Team Foundation’s great work.

Here’s what else you can do to donate throughout the month:

• Buy a wristband or a t-shirt, or donate at any of our live shows in October
o Click HERE for a complete calendar of events
• Buy a wristband or a t-shirt, or donate online here

On behalf of Dabo’s All In Team Foundation and our friends at the Trammell &
Mills Law Firm, Skins’, and AnMed Health, The ROAR sincerely thanks you for your support
and generosity!

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